Facebook Premium Group List 97000

 Facebook Premium Group List 97000

Are you looking for a list of premium group with over 100M+ traffic don't worry you are at the right place at right time.But it is necessary for you to know about premium group.

What are premium group?

Basically premium group contains traffic that belongs to European countries ,USA,Canada and Australia. These countries have high CPM and high RPM that enables you to earn more than 5000$ even from Facebook pages.

Premium Countries List

United States [+] 

United Kingdom 

France [+] 

Japan [+] 

Spain [+] 

Italy [+] 

Portugal [+] 

Greece [+] 

Ireland [+] 

Australia [+] 

Austria [+] 

Belgium [+] 

Canada [+] 

Denmark [+] 

Finland [+] 

Mexico [+] 

Netherlands [+] 

New Zealand [+] 

Norway [+]

Sweden [+] 

Switzerland [+]

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